Saturday, November 10, 2007


A message in a latte bowl today

ahhh, I AM loved!

A Poem


Another night has lapsed, the drizzle lightly
falling softly on the grass.

The fog has come again, sleepily mooring near my door.
Observed at the glass, forlornly standing.

Trees and grasses perfumed with precious droplets sparkle from afar,

the spiders web catches luminescent diamonds, some like stars.

All of nature lightly touched and perfect; grasses, trees and all absorb the wetness, celebrating.

Reunited, the sea and fog embrace as profound lovers, having never parted,
dance and gently hover,
shivering a sigh.

I am this dance of celebration, Oneness.
A mere spectacle of drama; separateness or loss.

(C) Sherry 2007

March 17, 2009 note...
It's been, what, 36 years? Can you imagine 36 years, let alone love dying in so short a time?
It seems so long...but it's funny to think it could ever be real..lost love? Where would it go to get lost?
You've been dancing with me all along. We're like a river having parted at some point, and reuniting to realize, we ARE each other, wherever we go. One drop of you intoxicates me, fills me, becomes me. One drop of love and I am 'That' I always sought.

This is how I say I love you, needless as it is to say so, yet, an ear cries for a vibration to resonate with, and dance, and
a light to illuminate a faceless face.
I'm only a foolish one, thinking words might be important; still deluded, but evolving.

Sherry Stewart copyright 2007